IV Nutrition Services

One-Time Clinic Fee - $150

Includes New Patient appointment and Consultation with Treatment Plan

Established Patient Office Visit - $50

Well visit, prescription refill, lab request and follow up (not hormones)

IV Saline Ozone - $175

5-10 treatments recommended

Basic Hydration - $99 (500cc)

Immunity Bag - $149

500cc Normal Saline includes Vitamin C, Glutathione, Zinc

Defender Bag - $149

500cc Normal Saline includes Vitamin B12, B Complex, Amino Acids, L-Carnitine

Mineral Blend Bag - 149

500cc Normal Saline includes Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Selenium

Extra 500cc of Fluid - add $25

Extra 1cc of Vitamin C, Glutathione, and Zinc - add $25

*All Prices Subject to Change*

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